Cranio Sacral Therapy Helps Neck Pain

Hands of therapist at Bodyworks Healing Center giving Cranio Sacral Therapy to a woman lying down, relaxed with her eyes closed.

In the spirit of full disclosure, I am biased.  My wife is Pat, the Director of BodyWorks and a Cranio Sacral Therapist among her many talents and I was her patient.

Pain Would Not Go Away

Over the last few weeks I had pain in my right shoulder/neck/upper back.  While massage therapy helped, it did not seem to get to the cause of the problem.  There must be something else.  Pat gave me a Cranio Sacral Session and determined that my Atlas, the first cervical vertebrae, was out of place and needed adjustment. (As a side note, massage can sometimes realign spinal subluxations since muscle moves bone).  As is often the case with Subluxations of the Atlas, an adjustment was required.  This improved my pain which continued to improve for a few days afterward but then the improvement stopped. It was time to revisit Pat for another Cranio Sacral Session.

Cranio Sacral Therapy Recommended

Cranio Sacral Therapy is often recommended after a adjustment of the Atlas.  I have had Cranio Sacral Therapy done on me many times and I have received advanced training in Cranio Sacral Therapy just like Pat.  Nevertheless, I am still awed by the results.  No matter how many times I receive it.  No matter how many times I give it.  I am amazed. This is what happened.

Awed By The Results

I went in to see Pat and when I laid on the table on my back the pain actually increased.  “Oh my,” I thought, “Am I ever going to get relief?”  Pat examined my cranial rhythm and noted it to be widely out of balance.  She worked her magic balancing frontal lobes, parietal lobes, the tentorum, sphenoid, pelvis and gently traction-ed the spine.  My rhythm slowly began to return to a more normal range and 45 minutes later when I got up off the table, the pain was gone.  It just vanished and Pat never touched my neck, back or shoulder.  How could this be?  How could she work one area and affect another?

The Miracle Of The Body

This is the miracle of the body.  The body is more inter connected and inter related than we can ever imagine.  And when we remove the stressors and reset core systems, the body’s natural healing takes over.  And that’s what Pat does so well.  She encourages the body’s natural healing process.  Thank You Pat.  I Love You.

Cranio Sacral Therapy Helps With Many Conditions

Cranio Sacral Therapy is helpful with a wide variety of conditions.

  • Neck Pain
  • Back Pain
  • Headaches
  • Migraines
  • Dizziness
  • Tinnitus
  • TMJ
  • Dsylexia
  • Chronic Pain
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • PTSD

Any kind of stress or trauma can bring your cranial system out of balance.  One of the most overlooked of these stressors is dental work. If you are not feeling “right” after having dental work done, your cranial rhythm could be out of balance.  It would be wise to have it checked.  You may be surprised at the results.

2 thoughts on “Cranio Sacral Therapy Helps Neck Pain

  1. I had a torn rotor cuff surgery on Feb 1. The pain has only got a little less. Do you think you can help?
    Thanks, John

    1. Hi John – Thanks for your question; it’s a good one. There are many things that can be causing the pain; however, much of the time it can be due to surrounding soft tissue that has been traumatized. If so, then the tissue will likely be tight and pull on the joint creating pain. In these cases, myofascial release, deep tissue massage and cranio sacral therapy can be very beneficial. I hope this is helpful and we wish you the best in a rapid and full recovery.

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