Running and Injuries

Massage helps prevent and heal injuries

Running is a strenuous activity — and one that pays off by building strength, and boosting overall physical and psychological health. That said, most runners will have at least one injury, if not many, in their running careers. And there are few things worse than wanting to be outside running and not being able to due to an injury.

Regularly stretching the calf and hamstring muscles helps prevent injuries. Massage also helps boost conditioning and prevent injuries.

How massage helps

In between strenuous training workouts and events, massage allows the muscles to relax

  • this helps build healthier tissues
  • relaxed muscles produce less waste products that irritate tissues
  • when tight, bunched muscles relax and lengthen, they don’t press as much on surrounding structures
  • restores circulation, and improves the flow of nutrients and natural pain-relievers to the stressed area.
  • relaxed muscles allow the body to heal the tiny tears and other “micro-traumas” which can result from strenuous exercise.

If you have an injury

Shin splints, Achilles tendinitis, knee pain and calf muscle strain are some of the more common injuries people can experience when they run. One of the most effective treatments is rest. If you have an injury, there’s also a good chance you need new, or different, shoes.

Massage treatment for running injuries often works best when it is frequent and gentle, especially in the beginning. After a period of rest and a series of treatments the pain should ease, and you can resume your running program, stronger than ever.

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